2 Clinics are scheduled for the North West Squash League Autumn 2017 season and 2 for the Spring 2017 season.

  • Wednesday March 29th at Gladstone Park commencing at 8pm and finishing at 9.15pm.
  • Wednesday April 19th at Gladstone Pk commencing at 8pm and finishing at 9.15pm.
  • Wednesday September 13th at Gladstone Park commencing at 8pm and finishing at 9.15pm.
  • Wednesday October 18th at Gladstone Park commencing at 8pm and finishing at 9.15pm.

Players are reminded that in order for a team to be eligible to play in Finals the following applies:

In 3 player teams -Midweek Open/Thursdays, 3 original players must be RAPs

RAP = (Referee Accredited Player)

Team accreditation can be viewed on the Web under the RAP/Grid or the Ladder Tabs

Teams NOT ACCREDITED will be highlighted on the Ladder. Non- accredited teams are expected to complete finals duties allocated for that position.

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